By Scott Dodson
The great Wayne Gretzky once said that what allowed him to achieve all of those scoring titles was not shooting, but skating to where the puck was going to be. Achieving greatness as a City also takes a good deal of anticipation, planning and being aware of the environment around you which is constantly changing.
Not only do we need to invest in the delivery of a secondary water supply, but we also need to consider the impact on our roads, schools, sewers, public safety, telecommunication, staff and facilities by the rampant growth that is occurring outside of Heath which will directly impact our ability to meet the projected needs our wonderful community through build-out. These items are big, capital-intensive projects and while we cannot do everything at once as it is cost prohibitive, there is a path forward by crafting a strategic plan for each major area.
Some of these items fall under Heath’s Comprehensive Plan which is being refreshed in real time, but I believe that given the time, cost and collaboration it will take to solve for many of the other areas such as roads, schools and several others, we need a thoughtful and open engagement with our community, State officials, subject matter experts from other cities who have traveled this path before us and neighboring city governments who may also be impacted by the same challenges.
I’m Scott Dodson and I am running for Heath City Council – Place 5